Student & Teacher Testimonials

“….it’s a room like if you’re having troubles in class or you just need somewhere to calm down or someone to talk to, or you need somewhere you can use your coping skills you can go there. There’s a staff who sits in there, Ms. X, and I talk to her frequently because she’s – like I have a trust built up with her and – if you don’t really know her that well you might not speak to her but you can just like go in there, you know, sit. Like remove yourself from the situation so you can think clearly without, you know, the people in your face or like feeling like you’re crowded in.”
"In the Monarch Room, she [MR staff person] kinda gives you space to yourself, and then she asks you, ‘Are you ready to talk? Do you want to talk?’. Other than that, she just gives you space…there’s puzzles in there to help get your mind off of different things…and then she allows you to take that stuff into other classrooms too. So you got people, like me, who always gotta move….you can concentrate on that [puzzles] and it helps you stay still."
"I feel like, in some cases, it’s a good thing to have the Monarch Room here in this specific environment…the girls that are disruptive and got attitudes and just set a negative mood in the room can get away from everybody…don’t nobody want to be around that….So sometimes it’s just like you need to just give them a limited time to be in there [the MR], and tell them to get their self together. Do whatever they need to do for fifteen, twenty minutes, and go back to class."